

線路の上にも国境線が引かれたことで、一体何が起きたのだろうか?旅行ガイドブックの定番であるLonely Planetのトルコ編には、この鉄道線路をめぐり興味をそそる記事が掲載されていた。該当部分を引用しておく。

It's interesting to know that original Midnight Express ran between Istanbul and Edirne through Greece. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed, the new Turkish-Greek border drawn so that the old rail line was partly in Greece. Greek border police would board when the train entered Greece territory and get off when it re-entered Turkish territory. There used to be a slow, late night train on this run. Foreigner convicted of drug-related offences in Turkey would be released by the Turkish government while their convictions were being appealed. They'd be given all of their possessions except their passport, and told in a whisper about th midnight Express.

They'd climb aboard and jump off the train in Greece, where Greek border police would pick them up and jail them. They'd call thier consulate, arrange for a new passport, be let out of jail and sent on their way. This system allowed the Turkish government to meet foreign governments'demands that it be strict with drug smugglers, but it avoided the expence and border actually incarcerating the convicted smugglers. In the lata1970s, the Turkish State Railway built a bypass line and Greek corridor route was abandoned. The truth of the Midnight Express is quite different from that portrayed in the blatantly anti-Turkish movie of the same name.

